Restrictions are fraying good will
As King County residents enter their third month of Phase One Restrictions, patience wears thin.
Washington’s Governor Jay Inslee speaking in front of a press
May 27, 2020
King County is in Phase One of Governer Jay Inslee’s 4 phase plan to gradually take the state out of quarantine. But many people have had enough of the restrictions and want to be free of the quarantine.
On May 5th, many people thought that restrictions would be lifted, but Inslee instead released a four phase plan and extended the original restrictions till the 31st of May. This caused many people to be upset because of the feeling that we had done enough being self quarantined for the duration of a month and a half.
“I feel like the restrictions have been enough” said senior Benhur Tesfamariam. “I’ve seen a lot of projections saying that if we opened for recreational activities we would be fine, and I just think Inslee should look at them and open our county a little bit.”
According to the staff at KOMO News, 21 counties have been given the green light to go into Phase 2, but even with a majority of the counties being able to implement phase 2, many people still have unflattering views on how Inslee is responding to the crisis.
“I feel as though Inslee is just continuing the unnecessary restrictions, and that it isn’t helping anyone,” said senior Ethan Bernard.
According to the news staff of MyNorthwest, Inslee’s handling of the crisis has dropped his approval rate from 74% approval to 67% after the 4 step phase was introduced.