Busy Spring break for the Brave nine hauls in 4 wins

Chad Strazzara, Reporter

“Man, must be nice…” This was a phrase uttered by most students who spent their 2016 Spring Break home in Seattle.

While tapping away at the nonstop Snapchat stories and  pictures from the rooms at the exotic resorts, the varsity baseball team went 4-1 while many of their classmates were deciding whether or not to on sun screen.

“We had a great time over break” said senior Joe Auter. “We had a game almost everyday, so we were always busy with something to do. We’re just out here with the boys grindin’.”baseball-v-Lakeside-1

The team’s 4-1 record saw them outscoring their opponents in their wins by an average of 5.5 runs per game.

The team started off their Spring Break on March 28,  skirting past Lakeside at home with a 1-0 win in 11 innings.

The team followed up a stagnant performance by taking their worst loss of the year thus far at the hands of Roosevelt  8-1 on March 29th.

On the third day of a back-to-back-to-back games, the team showed a tremendous amount of resilience, pulling out a hard fought victory in a 3-2 road win @ Chief Sealth on March 30th.

“Some positives we noticed during that stretch were that our defense was really good and our team chemistry was strong” said sophomore Chase Font. “We could tell that we were a little off with our hitting in those games, so that’s definitely something for us to work on going forward.”

Following a day’s rest, the team showed its full potential to the Metro league in their final two games of Spring Break competition. The Braves were joking when they began their dominant stand with an 11-1 home win against Cleveland on April 1st.

Capitalizing off that success,  the team picked up right where they left off Friday and ran Kamiak off their home field, winning 14-4 on .April 2nd

“I’d say the the team had its strongest performance in our win over Kamiak” said junior Nick Jebousek. “As a team we were able to get out of our slump, get some of the players that hadn’t played as much some quality minutes, and really just pull out a great team win.”baseball-v-Lakeside-2

The only real question mark for the Braves this season has been their offense. Only giving up a remarkable 7 runs over the course of their last three consecutive games, if the team can strengthen their performance behind the plate, they will surely be a force to be reckoned with in the Metro League.

“I think that if we continue to play stellar defense and have good pitching we should be be able to continue our success” said sophomore Simon Serwold. “If we can pick up our hitting on top of these things, I think we’ll really be able to get going.”

The Braves take on Franklin Friday, April 8th @ Franklin at 3:30.