Previewing the One-Act

Georgia Costa, Reporter

“Plots”, a one act directed by Senior Frankie Leonard, is an 80’s rom-com about the cynical protagonist’s character development through different obstacles.

Short and sweet, and solely student produced, Frankie Leonard casts Alex Plastino as the protagonist, Cloris. Lucas Wesley plays the role of Cloris’ best friend, Jan. Lastly, Daniel Sadderwight plays Tom, Jan’s boyfriend.

In attempt to involve the audience in Cloris’ cynicism, Jan sets up Cloris on a date with Chuck, who is portrayed as invisible.

“‘Plots’ is supposed to be interactive,” said Leonard. “I hope the audience understands that seeing is not always believing.”

Leonard’s message is that “Plots” is comical, and hopes the audience understands that there is no deeper meaning other than that it is funny. Along with that, she wants the audience to connect with Cloris, and her cynicism transformation, as she starts to believe that Chuck is real.

One of the two supervisors, Corey Eriksen, only faces one challenge in the process of a student directed one act.

“The only challenge I’ve seen is the time crunch,” said Eriksen. “Other than that, it has been easy to work with the cast.”

“Plots” is only one part of the series of student directed plays at Blanchet. All of the three shows are at 6:30 PM from January 12th to 14th.